Not Fit For Purpose is an investigational music therapy to counter a soft totavirus, engineered using feign-of-gumption research in oligopolabs over many decades. The aim of the therapy is to achieve heard impunity by charting viral tracks on both sides of the Atlantic. I’ve been an amateur song-writer for many years, and this is my attempt to help stave off the current societal cognitive dissonance through musically creative cognizance!
Best place to listen is on Gumroad and you can find supporting materials about each release on the band's Substack.
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NB: the embedded Brighteon videos do have cookies, but there are no others.
Call to action
Just to be clear: you don’t inject this therapy. But for it to have an effect, you do need to listen to the tracks, and keep listening (to ramp up the chart case counts). And, assuming you like the songs, include them in your regular playlists and then do please share with friends and family. The point is with sufficient radio airplay it might help contribute to reversing the mass formation psychosis. Worth a try, eh?